Welcome to my personal diary of our tour of Ireland's 3000ft peaks in 1996 ....

MacGillycuddy's Reeks

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Day 6: Monday 3 June

We rose feeling tired and having had breakfast it was time to pack the minibus for our departure.  Before we left, the peacock decided to give us his full display, strutting around with his tail feathers fully spread.  Photos were taken of him and also of our group.  Then it was time to say goodbye to Rose and take our leave of this pleasant place.  On the way down we were stopped by the 'gaffer' returning from dropping off guests in Killarney, and he duly serenaded us with a rendering of " We're no awa' tae bide awa' " .. it was a fitting end to our stay.

We made good time on the journey with first Allan and then Duncan taking turns at driving.  We stopped at Neenah and had the most superb pub lunch.  We also stopped to yet again stock up with food from a supermarket as again Allan and Andy were going to prepare the evening meal.

With Dave taking the final stint of driving, we eventually arrived at Carlingford and, wending our way through the narrow streets, eventually found the hostel.  We unpacked and got settled into the rooms.  As Andy and Allan started to prepare the meal, we were moving the minibus to the back yard.  This was where we 'bumped into' a couple from Lanarkshire.  (And earned us a visit from the Garda .. Ed!)

View of Carlingford  A Carlingford street

We decided to sample the local hostelries .. a small town spoilt for choice .. and settled for one nearby.  Yet another stout or two was consumed and then we headed back to have our meal.  The hostel had a strict no smoking and no alcohol rule, since most of their residents are school students.  We had to resort to having the meal with assorted 'fruit juices' decanted into flasks and drunk out of cups .. it lacks a certain something in sttyle.  However, yet again, Andy and Allan excelled themselves and we were quite full at the end of the meal.

After tidying up we headed across the road to another pub.  This entailed walking through the grocers shop and into the back where there was an open fire and inviting chairs.  It was a struggle to move, but we managed to leave after a pint and crossed the road back to the hostel.

Bob MacDonald

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