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Welcome to my personal diary of our tour of Ireland's 3000ft peaks in 1996 ....
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Day 2: Thursday 30 May
It poured for most of the night and was still raining when we got up in the morning. We had our breakfast and then loaded up the Transit ready to set off for Cahir. It was Allan's turn to drive and he made a good job as it was an uneventful journey, and we arrived at our accommodation, Tir na nÓg, around lunch time. This was the complete opposite of the Old Mill .. comfortable beds, good showers and a well-appointed kitchen cum common room.
The plan had been to climb Galtymore in the afternoon, but the weather was against us .. low cloud and very strong winds. So, for today, it was a case of Galty-no-more as christened by Allan. As we were lodged quite some way out of town, we decided to eat in and Andy and I volunteered to act as chefs. With Duncan driving, we set off to town to find a supermarket to buy the bits for an evening meal.
It's amazing how quickly you can collect your goods when you work as a team! We also had the opportunity to browse a few shops before heading back to the hostel. We had an interesting detour through a factory grounds on the way back .. Duncan does keep the interest up!
On their return, the chefs exerted their authority to be plied with wine while preparing the meal .. this may have been the reason that there were so many helpers on subsequent meals?
(This was probably the birth of the SP/BE Gourmet Dining Club .. Ed)
The meal was enjoyed by all, and after tidying up, we passed the evening with a variety of occupations. Courtesy of a new motorcycling friend of Arlene's, we acquired a television .. but I should also mention that Andy won a game of Maltese Cross!